【高雄醫學大學因應香港緊急情勢聲明 • Kaohsiung Medical University statement in response to the emergency situation in Hong Kong】

【高雄醫學大學因應香港緊急情勢聲明 • Kaohsiung Medical University statement in response to the emergency situation in Hong Kong

因應香港緊急情勢,高雄醫學大學配合教育部相關學習銜接措施,提供友善專案協助,盡全力確保學子受教權,具體措施如下 :

一.  針對香港情勢日漸緊張,教育部已陸續協助在港台生返家,並啟 動學習銜接措施。高雄醫學大學緊急清查後確認本校所有在港之交流生已全數平安返台,本校亦將全力協助目前在港就讀之各國學生,若其希望進入高雄醫學大學就讀,本校將提供友善專案;以可銜接學業,在台研修學分可被香港學校承認為目標,提供家長與學生安心的就學管道和學習環境,讓學子受教權獲得保障。

二.  高雄醫學大學已聯繫全世界姊妹校,對於原本已計劃赴港交換或交流之學生,本校皆誠


三.  高雄醫學大學提供專線諮詢電話,針對相關問題請洽教務處招生組吳昂芝小姐。

海外撥打方式:+886 7-323-4133


In response to the emergency situation in Hong Kong, Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) cooperates with the Ministry of Education (MoE) to provide relevant support and make effort to ensure students’ right to education are protected. The specific measures are as follows:

1. MOE has assisted overseas Taiwanese students in Hong Kong to return and carry on their study. KMU has confirmed that all exchange students are back safely. Meanwhile, if the students currently studying in Hong Kong wish to transfer to KMU, we provide a friendly project aiming that credits in KMU can be recognized by home institutions, ensuring students’ right to education protected.

2. KMU has contacted sister schools around the world for students who have planned to exchange in Hong Kong, we sincerely welcome them to come to KMU and will provide a safe environment in studying and campus life.

3. For related questions, please contact the Admissions & Student Recruitment Division of Office of Academic Affairs:
+886-7-3234133 • Miss Ang-Chi Wu •